Breathing Space was created through passion, desire for change and a drive to help people.
The tools I use and teach have been a huge support for me and I felt I couldn't find a modern approach to mindfulness and mental wellbeing that fitted in with todays world.
Many stereotypes and preconceptions are used for someone who meditates or practices mindfulness but it is truly accessible to everyone and you don't need hours to see the benefits.
Through many challenges in life including change, loss and the general ups and downs I realised I needed to give my mind some strength and resilience and find some ways to help my day to day life feel how I wanted it to and not just let it pass me by.
I use these tools daily now and they provide and platform that helps me focus on me and strive to find balance and purpose I value.
I wanted to help others, and I realised nothing was standing in my way to start, so I started Breathing Space.
I am passionate about finding the time to help others using the tools that have been there for me when I need them.
I hope you feel the same and that we can help you find your space in these pages.
Kit Washington - Founder